Power: 115 to 230 VAC to CPU module 50/60 Hz Power Consumption: Excitation Voltage: Analog Signal Input Range: Analog Signal Sensitivity: A/D Sample Rate: Resolution: |
System Linearity: Within 0.01% full scale Communication: Annunciators: Display: Keys/Buttons: Temperature Range: |
Dimensions: Panel Mount Display: 7.5 × 4.0 × 1.49 in (19.05 × 10.16 × 3.79 cm) External Mount Display: 7.5 × 3.9 × 1.44 in (19.05 × 9.91 × 3.66 cm) Panel Mount Keypad: 4.0 × 2.5 × 2.1 in (10.16 × 6.35 × 5.33 cm) CPU Enclosure: 7.5 × 7.0 × 2.25 in without mounting feet 11.13 × 7.0 × 3.06 in with mounting feet Weight: Warranty: Approvals: |
Systems to Fit Your Needs
Tracer AV2 systems are Legal for Trade and available in three different configurations to fit the layout of a variety of baggage check-in counters.
Single Configuration
The single configuration is ideal for use at single check-in counters.
- 1 Display
- 1 Keypad
- 1 CPU
Single configuration, shown with a BenchMark HD-2 aviation scale, a three-sided kickplate for one scale.
Two single configurations, shown with a BenchMark HD-3 aviation scale, a front and back
kickplate for two scales.
Single/Double Configuration
The single/double configuration provides more visibility to customers at luggage counters.
- 2 Display
- 1 Keypad
- 1 CPU
Double/Double Configuration
The double/double configuration is best for counters with two agents.
- 2 Display
- 2 Keypad
- 1 CPU
Double/double configuration shown with a BenchMark HD-1 aviation scale, a
three-sided kickplate for one scale.
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