101 Basic Filler
- Place an empty container on the scale. Automatically fill the container to a preset weight.
Remove the container from the scale. Replace it on the scale with an empty container and repeat the process.
102 Automatic Fill, Automatic Discharge
- Place an empty container under the scale. Automatically fill the scale to a preset weight. Discharge the scale into the container. Remove the container from under the scale. Replace it under the scale with another empty container and repeat the process.
103 Loss-In-Weight Filler
- Dispense preset net weight quantities from the scale until either low level or less-than-preset gross weight is achieved. Then refill to high level.
104 Loss-In-Weight Filler
- Product supply containers are placed on the scale. Net weight quantities are dispensed from the containers until empty. When containers empty in the middle of a dispense cycle, the cycle is paused and allowed to resume where it left off when the empty containers are replaced on the scale with filled ones.
201 Four Ingredient Dual Speed or Eight Ingredient Single Speed Batcher
- Place empty container on scale, automatically fill multiple ingredients in a sequential order to preset formula weights. Remove the container, replace with empty and repeat.
202 Four Ingredient Dual Speed or Eight Ingredient Single Speed With Discharge
- Fill tank or hopper with multiple ingredients in a sequential order then empty into a vessel below.
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