CW-90 Checkweigh Indicator


  • PreVent™ breather vent
  • Storage for up to 50 IDs
  • Unit of measure: kg, gm, lb, oz, lb/oz
  • LED display
  • Two full duplex serial ports
  • Configurable print formats
  • Audit trail tracking
  • Optional communications: Ethernet, USB or fiber-optic
  • Four configurable digital I/O
  • Reflash memory to upgrade firmware
  • Auto print capability
  • Battery backed up time and date
  • Accumulator
  • Membrane keypad consisting of zero, units, print, tare, over, under, ID, target, 0 to 9, clear, decimal, enter, menu, power

The Bench Checkweigher of Choice

Ease of use, real-time data collection and rugged, stainless steel construction make the CW-90 digital weight indicator the equipment of choice for operators, quality control and maintenance departments.

The configuration menu of the CW-90 is accessible through the front keypad, eliminating the need to open the back of the indicator and expose the unit to moisture or contaminants. Access to these keypad controls can be limited to meet the operator’s needs. The CW-90 will store detailed information for up to 50 separate IDs, allowing for easy recall of previously saved information. An adjustable contrast display is visible in any environment.

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

CW-90 Indicator Specifications

Line voltages: 115 to 230 VAC
Frequency: 50/60 Hz

Power Consumption:
1.5 A at 115 VAC (8 W)
0.75 A at 230 VAC (8 W)

Excitation Voltage:
+5 VDC 8 × 350 ohm or 16 × 700 ohm load cells

Analog Signal Input Range:
-0.5 mV/V to 4.5 mV/V

Analog Signal Sensitivity:
0.3 uV/graduation minimum
1.5 uV/graduation recommended

A/D Sample Rate:
7.5 to 960 Hz software selectable

Display: 100,000 counts

System Linearity:
± 0.01% full scale

Digital I/O:
Four channels on CPU board

Circuit Protection:
RFI, EMI, ESD protection

Designators for percent, kg, gm, lb, oz, center of zero, G/B, N, T, PT, neg, motion

Large 0.8 in 14-segment, six-digit high-intensity red LED display

Membrane keypad, 23 keys with international symbols

Temperature Range:
Certified: 14 °F to 104 °F (-10 °C to 40 °C)

IP66, 304 stainless steel

Two-year limited

NTEP CC 08-092, Class III/IIIL 10,000d
Measurement Canada AM-5710
OIML R76/2006-GBI-10.02
cULus Listed
CE marked


Indicator,CW90 115VAC with tilt stand, Ind OPT,Ethernet Interface CW90, CW90X Straight through 10ft ethernet cable with PG11 cord grip, Ind Opt,Wireless LAN Card RS232/WiFi Interface 802.11 A/B 10/100 XPico for CW90,720i,iQube2, Cable,USB Type A To USB Mini-B 1 Meter Long, Cable,RS-232 5-Wire DB-9F to stripped and tinned leads, Ind Opt,Fiber-Optic Rx/Tx CW90, CW90X, 820i Internal Mount With Bus Power, Cable,Plastic Optical 100 ft. includes polishing kit, Cutter, Fiber Optic Disposable, .750 and 1.0mm single and duplex jacket Industrial Fiber Optics #IF-FC2, Software, WeighVault for CW90/90X License (English)


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